মোঃ আব্দুল আলীম
০৭নং খেদাপাড়া ইউনিয়ন পরিষদ
মনিরামপুর, যশোর।
মোবাইলঃ ০১৭১৬৪২২২৬২
Permanent government and union council was originally formed in 1870. For the purpose of establishing the foundation of rural areas for economic and political reasons, Chaukidar Panchayat first emerged. In the evolution of the time, the local government system was named after the Union Parishad in 1873. It is the right of local resources to build infrastructure for overall development at the grassroots level. The use and development of the government and the government The basic responsibility of the Union Parishad is to implement various social activities, etc. Apart from performing law and order, establishing justice through village courts, registering birth registration, performing all kinds of work online, providing different types of certificates, different types of certificates, education, health, sanitation and other legal services. The above mentioned activities are part of the web portal for implementing the pledge to build the Digital Bangladesh in the face of the current government's declared 21st Century challenge, thanks to all officials and employees of A2I including the Honorable Chief Minister for doing this part. Allah hafiz.
-Md. Abdul Alim, Chairman, 07 No Khedapara Union Parishad, Manirampur, Jashore.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS